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Proposals on a Italian boat

Propose on a charming Italian boat while surrounded by the iconic beauty of Venice.

An intimate Italian boat Proposal

Imagine the romantic allure of Venice, Italy: winding canals, stunning architecture, and the gentle lap of water against the boat’s hull. This is the picturesque setting that makes proposing on an Italian boat an enchanting choice. Italy, renowned for its romantic ambiance, offers the perfect backdrop for such a significant moment. Whether you’re in Venice, gliding along its iconic canals in a gondola, or exploring the Amalfi Coast aboard a classic wooden vessel, the intimate atmosphere on a boat creates a special connection. The beauty of Italy’s surroundings, from historic buildings to coastal cliffs and serene countryside, adds an extra layer of charm to your proposal. The privacy and intimacy that a boat provides make it a personal and tranquil space for your memorable moment. 

For a romantic and intimate proposal

Venice boasts unparalleled beauty, with every corner offering a potential backdrop for your proposal. From iconic gondolas gliding through the winding canals to the breathtaking architecture of St. Mark’s Square, the possibilities are boundless. Our proposal planners possess an intimate knowledge of Venice. 

They can help you select the perfect location for your proposal, whether it’s a secluded spot with a view of the Grand Canal or a romantic bridge bathed in the golden glow of sunset. If you already have a vision for your proposal, our team will work tirelessly to bring it to life. Whether it’s an extravagant spectacle with musicians, dancers, and fireworks or an intimate affair with just the two of you beneath the starlit sky, we’ll ensure that every detail is executed flawlessly. Say “Yes” to love and let us handle the rest!


In a Riva boat

Make your request in Venice aboard a mythical and typically Italian boat. Make a proposal worthy of the movies, in luxurious, warm surroundings.

Venitian peniche

Enjoy a ride on a typical Venetian Peniche and make your proposal in a warm, romantic setting, in the middle of a sunset over the city.

Private gondola

Embark on an intimate gondola ride for your proposal, surrounded by the magical atmosphere of Venice. Get a personalized experience now

Venice docks

Propose with breathtaking views of Venice from a romantic setting. Customize the moment with decoration, musician and many other surprises.

Venetian Bridges

Enjoy an atypical wedding proposal on a charming Venetian bridge adorned for the occasion. Take advantage of a customized staging with many surprises.